Riding with young kids - comprehensive guide to outrageous adventures

Tips from the expert on riding bicycles with kids.

Here are the important tricks to cycling with kids and bicycle trailers.

  • Pack your snacks and drinks in Weehoo’s rear wheel bags.

  • Plan for the weather. Don’t forget helmet, sunglasses, and some sunscreen.

  • Quickly teach you kid to load and unload themselves into the Weehoo bicycle trailer. Even at a young age they can learn, making frequent stops simple.

  • Have you route planned out but spontaneously stop for exploration at creeks, forests, jungle gyms, friends houses, and a picnic. You’ll farther than you expect with Weehoo bike trailers.

  • Safety first. Choose routes with slower speed limits, large shoulders and bike lanes, or dedicated bike paths and trails with no vehicles.

  • Don’t overly protect you kid from mother nature. What makes cycling so exciting to kids is the distance they can explore they’re surroundings: the sounds, sites, temperatures, and fragrances of nature, making every moment unique.

  • Unlike other bicycle trailers, Weehoo bike trailers are not a time to sleep. You’ll find the experience is so engaging, they’ll stay awake and pedal most of the time.

  • Have a conversation. They’ll love talking with you the whole ride.

Bryce Rodgers